የህዳር 12/ 2017 የምሽት ዜናዎች – NBC ማታ _ ቀጥታ ሥርጭት | Live | Ethiopia @NBCETHIOPIA
transformational journey; to develop a civic-democratic political culture; which will be free from extremism and racism; for peace to prevail; for building a market-led economy; it is a corporation organized by patriotic Ethiopians who are motivated to make an ultimatum contribution through professional and responsible media;
#donaldtrump#americanelection#kamalaharis#rafah#israelhamaswar#erdoğan #netanyahu #israel #palstine #hamas #israelwar #freepalsetine #jerusalem #telaviv #እስራኤል #ፍልስጤም #ዜና #NBCmata #NBCማታ #EthiopianNewsToday #የኢትዮጲያ_ዜና #Seber_Zena #ሰበር_ዜና #Top_media #ዜና_ዛሬ #Update_news #zehabesha #Mereja #መረጃ #addis_mereja #አዲስ_መረጃ #ሰበር_ዜና #አማረኛ_ዜና #amaregna_zena #amharic_news #አማራ #daily_news #oromo_news #ኦሮሞ #oromo_oddu #Mn_addis #news #ethio360 #tamagn_mereja #AbelBirhanu #yegna_mereja #tigray #ትግራይ #tikus_mereja #ትኩስ_መረጃ #zena_kemesha #addis_neger #አዲስ_ነገር #Amharic_news #Ethoipian_news #የሀገር_ውስጥ_ዜና #የውጭ_ዜና #ቢዝነስ #ስፖርት #ስፖርት_ዜና #እግርኳስ #ፕርሚየር_ሊግ #premier_league #የምሽት_ዜና #የቀን_መረጃ #zena #mereja #adis_neger #adismereja #አዲስ_ዜና