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Journalist Cristy-Lee MacQueen reports on the impact of the Intergenerational Learning and Wellbeing Program from a 96 year old participant, a 10 year old male student, his mother and the facilitator. Every week a class of Year 4 students (aged 9 and 10) enjoy reciprocal learning discussions, jokes, music and movement games plus other activities with a group of much older people in their 80’s and 90’s.
Some schools and aged care homes are fortunate to be within walking distance of each other, thereby making intergenerational interactions easier to coordinate.
However, these students at Mackay QLD are 10km from the aged care home, so they meet via video calls on a large TV each week. All of the students can see the face(s) of the older person speaking, while the older people see the students’ faces on a large TV at the aged care home.
When it is practical, students visit the older people and vice versa. Using video calls with large TV’s is a simple solution for schools, aged care facilities and retirement villages, to enjoy intergenerational learning programs when they are not within walking distance of each other be it 10km or 1000km.
Comments about this program from older people ranged from ‘feeling important again’ and enjoying the interactions with students.
One male student stated that since being involved in this program he has experienced a very big mood change – for the better – and more confidence. The mother of this student said the importance of this program is building skills, empathy and patience for students that they can use in life. She has also seen her son’s confidence improve significantly.
Benefits of this program for older people include contributing to a community interaction with children / students that is personally meaningful for them. It is a mentally stimulating, exciting and rewarding experience for all involved.
Thank you to the ABC news journalist Cristy-Lee MacQueen for an insightful report and the ABC Radio (Tropical North Queensland) Presenter, Meecham Philpott for his enthusiastic comments. This report was broadcasted across Queensland except for the south-east region.
The link below will direct you to the ABC Radio Breakfast Program.

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