There is a legal case between CNN and Maya Online Broadband Network over the domain name “cnnews.com.” CNN is trying to recover the domain name under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA). Maya argues that they chose the name reasonably since “cn” is widely used as an abbreviation for China. CNN must properly serve Maya and Wang, but the package was returned as undeliverable. CNN files a motion to serve through publication, which is granted. Eastcom and Verisign agree to transfer control of the domain name to the Court. Maya files a dismissal motion, which fails. The case questions whether an ACPA in rem action is consistent with due process.
Cable News Network L.P. v. CNNews.Com (2001)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
162 F. Supp. 2d 484
Learn more about this case at https://www.lsd.law/briefs/view/cable-news-network-l-p-v-cnnews-com-38785602
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