Metro Bethesda Rotary was pleased to host Washington Post Columnist and Georgetown University Professor E.J. Dionne to discuss his book and vision “100% Democracy.” In the book, E.J. Dionne and Miles Rapoport argue that universal participation in our elections should be a cornerstone of our system. It would be the surest way to protect against voter suppression and the active disenfranchisement of a large share of our citizens. And it would create a system true to the Declaration of Independence’s aspirations by calling for a government based on the consent of all of the governed.
Professor E.J. Dionne, Jr. Dionne is also the W. Averell Harriman Chair and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a syndicated columnist for the Washington Post, and a university professor in the Foundations of Democracy and Culture at Georgetown University. A nationally known and respected commentator on politics, Dionne appears frequently on National Public Radio and MSNBC. He has also appeared on News Hour with Jim Lehrer and other PBS programs.
Dionne began his career with The New York Times, where he spent fourteen years reporting on state and local government, national politics, and from around the world, including stints in Paris, Rome, and Beirut. In 1990, Dionne joined the Washington Post as a reporter covering national politics, and he began writing his column in 1993. He is the author or co-author of over two dozen books, including Why Americans Hate Politics; Community Works: The Revival of Civil Society in America; Our Divided Political Heart: The Battle for the American Idea in an Age of Discontent; Bush v. Gore; and many more.