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Cento sonetti. Cento stazioni inquiete di un viaggio esistenziale dall’oscurità alla luce.

“Impegno politico”. Che cosa è l’impegno al tempo della politica-spettacolo? Professionismo per pochi, solitudine per i più. Una strada di riscatto sociale ed esistenziale ormai chiusa.


When youth’s light brigade dispersed, the severe
Grip of scarcity tightened its hold on me,
In the city’s heart, alone, without a sphere,
I stood, unarmed, in dire adversity.

In engagement, I sought a sense of worth,
But it proved an abstract chimera, a dream,
For choices and careers were brought to birth
In opaque chambers, distant and extreme.

Party circles, emerging on the day
Before the polls, in the chronic dismay
Of neglected suburbs, where shadows reside,

Vanished before the night had even sighed.
I stood like a worn-out picket, in the end,
On a deserted, frosted building site, unfriend.


“SCP-x1x (Gateway to Hell)” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

The Pulse of Washington D.C.

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