The US press is really out of control. They don’t give their journalists enough time to get it right, and/or most are too stupid or uninformed to even have a place to start. Or they have agendas so report the way they want the story to go. Here are 5 examples you won’t believe.
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New content on Patreon – “Doing the Hard Things” manuscript
Get Your Copy of the Elon Musk Mission – Hard back, paperback, audio, Kindle – https://bit.ly/3YjDfsg
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Upcoming episodes. Make sure you hit notification:
Monday morning – After the Bell
Monday mid day – Brian Wang and I talk about Elon Musk FSD Demo implications for DOJO, transformer shortages, and future electricity shortages.
We have two goals on this channel. Provide useful information about Elon Musk and his related businesses and help small businesses increase sales and profits through improved methods of running the enterprise.
I have written 10 books about small business, several of shich are currently available on Amazon, including two Amazon Best Sellers about Elon Musk.