Think Ahead Kids Foundation’s Co-Founder Natasha Huehmer and her sister London Huehmer, interview New York Times Best Seller Author Stacia Deutsch.
This week, we sat down with New York Times Best Seller, Children’s Author, Stacia Deutsch. Stacia has written many movie novelizations, series, and chapter books. She has published over 400 books and counting. Her inspiration can come from anywhere, but she mostly finds it in her kids, real-life experiences, and memorable moments.
I find it fascinating that Stacia has written books about Lego, Spirit Riding Free, The Smurfs, and Tinkerbell. She has also written many series like Blast to The Past, Girls Who Code, and The Jessie Files. Not to mention a novelization for Rapunzel the Show, that I found I owned after
I have a personal connection to this time with Stacia. I love to write, and I have published two beginner reader books. I am currently working on a chapter book.
This interview was not only fun, but it was inspirational.
Article Written by Natasha Huehmer
Think Ahead Kids Foundation focuses on raising funds to publish Child Authors. Funds raised pay for professional illustrators, editors, and publishing costs.
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