Since I got nothing to talk about for this level, let’s talk about cards! I don’t show it off in the song videos, but the toots I earn can be spent on ‘playing cards’ which got a new update to them: You can make them gold if you own 10 copies of the same card. I’ve collected so many toots over my recordings that I was able to almost buy out the gold cards. I’m tempted to grind for the 3-5k toots I’m missing to complete the golden collection, but I figured there will be more song updates before the golden cards become in any way important. Maybe they’ll add diamond cards some day
Embrace the chaos: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1059990
Ultimate Champ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Sdv8G17-r–S9ZWaTbylIxYBsvsvlGS